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Civil works such as site preparation, Earth work, Soil replacement, Concrete structure for equipment foundations, oil storage tank foundation, Concrete tanks & pits, storm drain, sewer line & manhole, pipe rack foundations, cable trenches, duct bank, road & side Work, box culvert, landscaping , transformer foundations, air compressor foundations irrigation line and pipe sleepers.
Building work including structure and finishing works , main operation buildings, substation, switchgear, control building, admin building including sandwich cladding panel of wall and roof for inside plant commercial as well as residential building . it include constructing of temporary facilities for site offices and camp with portable type of buildings , ware houses , car parking generator shelters ,infra utilities such as water supply, fire water, sewer and manhole, electrical power supply, telephone and land cable etc.
Electrical work associated with buildings, low & high voltage power cable installation, transformer, switchgear, area lightings, and fire alarm system, etc.
Installation of instrumentation control cables including control panels, fibre optic cables, telephone cables, communication towers construction, maintenance and any work associated with the above works.
Mechanical work associated with building construction such as sanitary fixture, water supply line, drainage line, HVAC works and infra utilities such as drainage & sewer line, fire fighting line and water distribution system.